Akivades Japan - Tapes PHILIPINARIUM

 Akivades - Japon

Akivades Japan is obtained by hunting from Class B Production areas when monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

They’ll collect, calibrated for at least 48 hours and decontaminate at pools for wash off the microbiotic and sand.

After the decontamination it can be place in market as pasteurize, frozen or live.

It can be consumed as single but also serve with pasta.

1 kg package contains 25-40/40-60 akivades. It can be increase by request.

Storage informations for akivades japan;
Frozen pasteurize akivades : Keep at -18 ℃ / -20 ℃
Frozen pasteurize akivades shelf life : 2 years after package
Live akivades : Keep and transport at +5 ℃ / +7 ℃
Live akivades shelf life : It should be alive when they sold.

Gelibolu Deniz Ürünleri